David Baracchi
Associate Professor
PhD in Animal Ecology and Ethology
Università degli Studi di Firenze,
Room B2.34
Dipartimento di Biologia, Via Madonna del Piano, 6, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italia
(+39) 055 457 4723
Twitter/X: @David_Baracchi
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1308-0612

Social insects demonstrate intricate behaviors and possess remarkable cognitive capabilities. I have a particular fascination with studying the evolution and adaptability of these behaviors and abilities. Working alongside my research team, we focus on investigating the neuroethological mechanisms and behavioral principles employed by small-brained insects, primarily bees and wasps. Our aim is to unravel how these insects effectively adjust to their surroundings and make strategic decisions to ensure their survival.
Our research also delves into the impact of biotic and abiotic stressors on the well-being and cognition of managed and wild pollinators. We are interested in understanding how factors such as pesticide exposure, pollutants, and disease affect the health and cognitive abilities of these crucial insects. By exploring these interactions, we aim to contribute to the development of sustainable practices and conservation strategies that promote the resilience of social insect communities
PhD in Animal Ethology and Ecology. University of Florence. Advisor: Prof. Stefano Turillazzi
Master's degree in Behavioural Biology. Honours Summa con Laude. University of Florence. Advisor: Prof. Stefano Turillazzi
Bachelor's Degree in Biological Science. Honours Summa con Laude. University of Florence. Advisor: Prof. Stefano Turillazzi
2023-2025 National Funding Scheme PRIN-2022 (Role: PI) (€284.000)
2023-2025 National Geographic Explorer (Role: Partecipant) (€95.000)
2021-2023 Eva Crane TRUST Grant (Role: PI)(€35.000)
2017-2021 Rita Levi Montalcini Programme Fellowship (Role: PI) (€214.000)
2013-2015 Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship IEF (€221.000)
2009-12 PhD Scholarship Awarded by the Italian Ministry of Research and Education
Professional History
2021 -
Associate Professor (Sector Bios-03/A, Zoology) University of Florence, Italy
2018 - 21
Montalcini Research Fellow (RTDb). Assistant Professor. University of Florence, Italy
Postdoctoral Researcher, Université Paul Sabatier III, CNRS, France. Prof. Martin Giurfa's Lab
Postdoctoral Researcher, Université Paris13, France. Prof. Patrizia d'Ettorre's Lab
Marie Curie Research Fellow, Queen Mary University of London, UK. Prof. Lars Chittka's Lab
Cultore della Materia (Zoology). University of Florence, Italy
Invited Talks at Scientific Meetings
2022 Title: Neuroactive nectars and their effect on pollinator cognition. European Student Conference on Behaviour and Cognition ESCBC, Trento, Italy.
2022 Title: Pheromones as neuromodulators of experience-depending behaviour in insects. International Congress Neuroethology, Lisbon, Portugal
2018 Title: Aminergic underpinnings of pheromonal modulation of olfactory learning and memory formation in honeybees. XI European Congress of Entomology, Naples, Italy
2016 Title: Appetitive and aversive pheromones modulate sucrose response threshold in honey bees. IFE-GDR Meeting, Paris, France
2015 Title: Nestmate recognition in a social wasp: vision and olfaction. SFECA Strasburg, France
2014 Title: Infected bumblebees self-medicate by increasing the ingestion of nectar toxins. EURBEE Murcia, Spain