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Join the Lab!!!

We have space for undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers with their own funding. We are also interested in collaborating with PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers from other labs who are willing to run joined projects.

If you want to carry out postdoctoral works at our Lab and you are willing to write a grant application contact us for details and to discuss possibilities. 

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Flavia Di Cesare (PhD student)
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I''m a Master's graduate in Ecology and Ethology, passionate about wild and managed pollinators, and interested in studying the factors that cause their decline, such as the use of synthetic pesticides. My research focuses on the study of bacterial biopesticides, a new frontier in plant protection products, which, although they represent an improvement in terms of toxicity, are still inadequately tested. It is therefore important to study these products in order to understand their true safety. To this end, in addition to acute and chronic lethal effects, I will also be investigating a wide range of sub-lethal effects, particularly those related to behaviour and cognitive abilities. These aspects are crucial for survival, especially for social insects like honey bees and bumble bees.

Federico Ferrante (PhD Student)
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I am a psychobiologist who has always been interested in the study of animal behaviour. My research has always focused on cognition and behaviour in invertebrates. After studying vision and learning in jumping spiders at the University of Padua, I moved to Florence to focus on pollinator species. Here I first studied the effects of environmental stressors such as pesticides and microplastics on honeybees. My current PhD project aims to better understand and delineate the biological and behavioural basis of pollinator well-being, in order to promote the protection of species that are critical for biodiversity conservation.

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Giulia Ricciardi (Postdoctoral Researcher)

I am a biologist and my research interests lie in the molecular basis of animal behaviour. After studying visual interactions in wasps at the University of Florence, I moved to Brussels for my Master's degree, where I started applying molecular techniques to animal studies. During my PhD PhD in Florence, I broadened my interests towards chemical analysis with a focus on mass spectrometry. My research here aims to understand the molecular mechanisms and chemical interactions that control behaviour and cognition in social insects.

Luigi Baciadonna (Marie Curie Research Fellow)

I am a comparative psychologist with a research interest in the evolution of cognition and in the expression and perception of emotions across different species from invertebrates to vertebrates. The current project, supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship program (FEER-BEES), adopts a multicomponent approach, including behavioural, neuro-physiological, and cognitive analyses to characterize potential emotional states in invertebrates. I am focussing on fear in honey bees (Apis mellifera) given the tractability of these insects for all levels of analysis. The overall goal of the project is to advance our knowledge on the presence of emotional states in honey bees by unravelling the underlying neural mechanisms and the phylogenetic link between these mechanisms and those of mammals, including humans. The question as to whether invertebrates have basic forms of emotions is relevant and timely considering the current debates around non-human animals capacity of experiencing subjective feelings. I work primarily at the Institute of Biology Paris Seine (IBPS), Sorbonne University, Paris – France under the supervision of Prof Martin Giurfa. Currently, I am on a six months secondment at Baracchi’s lab.

(Former Postdoctoral Fellows)

Dr. Massimo de Agrò (2021-2022) (now postdoc at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)

Former (Postgraduate Student/Research Assistant)

Dr. Elisa Pasquini (2021-2022) (now PhD at CIMeC, University of Trento)

Dr. Eleonora Mannino (2021)

Dr. Stefania Smargiassi (2019) (now PhD at University of Florence) 

Dr. Daniele Carlesso (2019) (now Postdoc at University of Konstanz)

Former (Visiting Researcher / Erasmus Students)

Dr. Natalia Berrazueta (2024-2025(Tropimundo Erasmus Mundus) 

Dr. Rafael Carvalho Da Solva (2024) (Sorbonne University)

Dr. Noorhidayah Binti Mamat (2024) (Universiti Malaya)

Prof. Nurul Ashikin Binti Abdullah (2024) (Universiti Malaya)

Dr. Mirela Dragan (2023) (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest)

Prof. André Rodrigues de Souza (2023) (University of São Paulo)

Dr. Eva La Costa Morcillo (2023) (Erasmus+ Programme

Dr. Maria Theocharidou (2022) (Erasmus+ Programma) 

Dr. Narmin Ilgar Beydizada (2022) (Masaryk University) 

Dr. Keteoglou Makrina (2022) (Erasmus+ Programme

© 2019 by David Baracchi

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